Fate/Grand Order (English)
3 Million+
Over 4 years of age
3 M+
- CategoryRole Playing
- OSAndroid
- PriceFree
- Installs3 Million+
- Age4+
- Updated2023-12-18
- Size3 M+
Game Description
TYPE-MOON brings you a captivating new mobile RPG called 'Fate RPG' that is sure to leave fans and newcomers alike enthralled! With an astounding main scenario and numerous character quests, this game enthralls players with millions of words of original story. Immerse yourself in a world filled with exciting content, as you battle fate to protect mankind. Become a Master and embark on epic command card battles optimized for smartphones. Join forces with Heroic Spirits, solve the mystery of human history's disappearance, and unravel an unforgettable adventure. Don't miss out on this thrilling experience that awaits you!
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How To Play
1: Download the app on your Android device.
2: Dive into the captivating story and unravel the mysteries of Chaldea.
3: Engage in command card battles and strategically defeat your foes.
4: Explore character quests and unlock the secrets of the Fate franchise.
5: Unleash the power of your Heroic Spirits and save humanity! Get ready for an epic adventure like no other!