Craft Shooter FPS Battles
13 Million+
Over 4 years of age
3 M+
- CategoryAction
- OSAndroid
- PriceFree
- Installs13 Million+
- Age4+
- Updated2023-12-21
- Size3 M+
Game Description
Looking for an epic shooting game that won't cost you a dime? Craft Shooter FPS Battles is here to deliver the adrenaline rush you've been craving! Choose your side - be a fearless monster hunter or embrace the thrill of being a monster itself. With over 100+ characters to choose from, including shooters, snipers, swordsman, assassins, and archers, you'll never get bored! Explore a vast arsenal of weapons, all available for free, and team up with popular characters for an unforgettable co-op experience. Craft Shooter FPS Battles is the ultimate game for action enthusiasts and strategic thinkers alike.
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How To Play
1: Choose your side (monster or craft gunner).
2: Select your character from the pool of 100+ options.
3: Engage in epic battles and use your unique abilities to dominate! Get ready for non-stop action and unforgettable battles in Craft Shooter FPS Battles!