Figure Fantasy
1 Million+
Over 4 years of age
129 W+
- CategoryRole Playing
- OSAndroid
- PriceFree
- Installs1 Million+
- Age4+
- Updated2023-12-15
- Size129 W+
Game Description
Figure Fantasy is an exciting 3D idle figurine mobile game that brings a whole new level of fun and adventure. As the master of the figurines, you'll embark on a thrilling journey in their miniature world. With the advanced PBR technology, the game beautifully showcases the intricate details and realistic textures of the figurines. Collecting figurines is a delight with the 'Blind Box' feature and the option to customize your display cabinet with various themes. Engage in strategic battles on a 3x3 grid and unleash ultimate animations. The simple idle gameplay allows you to effortlessly earn resources even when you're offline. Stay updated with the latest news on our official social media channels.
App Store
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How To Play
1: Collect figurines by purchasing 'Blind Boxes' and unveil surprises within.
2: Customize your display cabinet to create a unique Otaku Zone and choose from a variety of themes.
3: Strategize your battles by deploying lineups on the 3x3 grid and experimenting with different combinations of Defenders, Vanguards, Militarists, Helpers, and Specialists.
4: Enjoy the simplicity of idle gameplay where your resources continue to grow even when you're offline. Stay connected with us on our official social media channels for the latest updates and exciting events. Get ready to dive into the world of Figure Fantasy!